Common Diseases Can Be Treated With Stem Cells Or Exosomes
Autoimmune Disorders
GI Disorders
Ulcerative Colitis
Crohns Disease
Neurological Disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease
Post stroke
Diabetic Neuropathy
Nerve Injury
Sexual Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction
Spinal Cord Injuries
Traumatic Brain Injuries
The term peripheral neuropathy is frequently used interchangeably with the terms neuropathy and polyneuropathy. These terms describe a group of disorders that are characterized by a loss of function in the extremities and rarely other body areas. Overall, peripheral neuropathy affects about 6-7% of the population. There are at least 7 different types of peripheral neuropathy (see: What are the causes and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy? below). The FAQ section below is designed to help you gain a greater understanding of the use of adult stem cells for peripheral neuropathy. We also want to offer a framework for evaluating if stem cell treatment should be considered an option for you or your loved one.